Advertising & Marketing

HS Ad unveils LG Uplus ad created by 100% AI

Ju-Hyun Lee

May 27, 2024 (Gmt+09:00)

South Korea's HS Ad Inc., an advertising agency affiliated with LG Group, announced on Monday that it launched LG Uplus Corp. 's brand advertising campaign, created entirely using artificial intelligence (AI), for the first time in South Korea.

This advertisement is the first in the country to be 100% implemented with AI video without separate filming.

While there have been ads that added some motion to AI-generated images to make them look like videos, this is the first attempt to create an entire video solely with AI.

For the 30-second short video, HS Ad produced over 200,000 frames of AI-generated sources and applied eight existing AI programs in various ways to create the video.

Scenes that are difficult to realize through filming, such as future smart cities or autonomous driving technology, were created with approximately 18,000 images and videos generated through LG Uplus's AI technology "ixi" to form the backbone.

Using AI also reduced advertising production costs. In this campaign, the production cost was about 60% of that of ads created with 100% 3D animation.

The advertisement introduces LG Uplus's new brand slogan "Growth-leading AX Company" and embodies the company's aspiration to lead customer growth through AI technology.

Write to Ju-Hyun Lee at

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