Banking & Finance

Woori Bank offers internship for SE Asian students in S.Korea

Bo-Hyung Kim

May 14, 2024 (Gmt+09:00)

South Korea's Woori Bank announced on Tuesday that it is recruiting interns targeting Southeast Asian students studying in Korea.

This program aims to discover talented individuals knowledgeable about Southeast Asia to nurture them into global finance professionals who can bridge Korea and their home countries.

The recruitment targets undergraduate and graduate students from Indonesia, Vietnam, and Cambodia who are currently studying at major universities in South Korea and are within one year of graduating.

Woori Bank will select 12 students, four from each country, and provide them with job training for five weeks at Woori Bank headquarters, Woori Financial Sangam Center, and foreigner-oriented branch offices.

Afterward, six will be selected to receive scholarships and offered opportunities to work at Woori Bank's subsidiaries in their home countries.

Write to Bo-Hyung Kim at

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