Bio & Pharma

SK Chemicals introduces Tiglutik, treatment for Lou Gehrig's disease

Jae-Young Han

Jan 02, 2023 (Gmt+09:00)

Tiglutik (Courtesy of SK Chemicals)

SK Chemicals said on Monday that it is strengthening its portfolio of neurological diseases by introducing Tiglutik (riluzole), Lou Gehrig's disease treatment from Italian pharmaceutical company Italfarmaco SpA.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is also called Lou Gehrig's disease. This is a degenerative neurological disease that can paralyze the limbs and respiratory muscles as motor nerve cells are gradually declined.

As of last year, there were 4,709 patients with Lou Gehrig's disease in South Korea, and the average annual growth rate of patients with this condition is 3.5% for the past five years.

Tiglutik contains riluzole as an ingredient. In May last year, the drug obtained approval from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of Korea for prolonging the survival length of ALS patients or delaying the timing of tracheotomy.

The advantage of Tiglutik is that patients suffering from swallowing disorders (dysphagia) can take it more easily as it is in a suspension formulation.

"We expect synergies with the introduction of Tiglutik given we already have treatments for degenerative neurological diseases such as the Wondron patch and Ongentys capsule," said Park Hyeon-seon, head of SK Chemicals' Pharma Planning Department.

Write to Jae-Young Han at

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